Latex pillows produce as foam and shredded latex. Shredded latex pillow can be made from natural rubber latex or synthetic latex. With this pillow you will forget the neck pain forever.
Shredded latex pillow has the advantage that at any moment you can make it softer if the pillow is not soft enough, simply reducing the amount of filling inside the pillow, or make it harder, if you do not, it seemed pretty solid.
As well as the cushion of shredded foam latex pillow is very springy.
These pillows are always fresh, absorbing the coolness of the room to himself and thus gives you a healthy and beautiful sleep.
Cushions made of 100% natural latex hypoallergenic and are particularly suitable for people suffering from asthma or have allergies to synthetic materials. They will never appear microbes or other harmful bugs.
Also in the sale are bags with a combined filler composed of natural and synthetic latex, where the content is a synthetic filler in powdered latex pillow, at least 3%. Be careful, as these cushions can not protect you from allergies, so they have a small proportion of synthetic material.